A life of love, laughter and romance

Monday, April 03, 2006

Editing round one done

Wahoo. I've finished editing my dark paranormal and am now moving onto writing a query and synopsis. I'm hoping to get a good response from this but then we'll see.

Also, I've made bookmarks and will be sending them off to my publisher shortly...ok, back to writing


Blogger Shelli Stevens said...

Good luck on your paranormal! Glad you're back after a few days off the Internet.

3:32 AM  
Blogger Shelli Stevens said...

Good luck on your paranormal! Glad you're back after a few days off the Internet.

3:32 AM  
Blogger Shelli Stevens said...

Good luck on your paranormal! Glad you're back after a few days off the Internet.

3:32 AM  

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