A life of love, laughter and romance

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

When they starts talking

I was having an interesting conversation with a friends wife. She asked me how my writing was going and I told her of the progress of all my stories and to which she said it was interesting how I spoke about my characters as if they were real. I said, they are real, to me. The only way to get them out of my head is to write their story and give them a HEA. Yes, I understand that I might sound a bit wierd but I think it's a good thing when your characters take a life of their own and have preferences and talks a certain way. When my characters start talking to me then it's fantastic.

While I'm waiting for my muse to kick in for my sequel to FID I've moved onto a contemporary for the HARMONY line for NCP. The hero, Derrick has just started talking to me and I now know what his favorite band is. Lifehouse. So out I go to buy more CDs. I find it interesting that when my characters develop they have a music preference that is often not what I usually listen to. It helps me get in their head and write how they want to be percieved. It's great.

So, when a character starts talking to you and taking a life of their own, you know the story is going to be great. I'm actually both excited and terrified of this projected. The main reason I'm excited - it because it's going to be a catagory/novella but what terrifies me is that I'm going to touch on a subject that is no doubt going to make me teary-eyed while my characters are being torn apart emotionally. I'm going have to touch that part that I keep closed within myself and bring it to the fore and cry right along with my characters... Why couldn't I choose writing a romantic comedy - I'd much rather laugh along with my characters... I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.


Blogger Kit Wylde said...

I have had a difficult time with my latest WIP because I tend to write at night and it's an erotic horror. So, at times, my story bleed into my dreams. Unfortunately, it's not the sex part. LOLOL However, I am really liking the story. Although I don't care much for horror myself, I'm having fun writing it. LOL


1:41 PM  
Blogger Angela's Designs said...

Kit's response... yeah, characters can get real enough to be scary! I like writing when the characters take on a life of their own, makes it more fun that way.

1:56 PM  
Blogger Jodie said...

Kit - I actually used to write horror as a kid, but man, it takes a brave person to write that stuff. I'd much rather dream about sex than monsters under the bed.

Annalee - I know! It's usually the telling of a great story. I hate chugging along when the character refuses to talk to me. Why do they go through bouts of temper tantrums anyway?? LOL

3:31 PM  
Blogger Shelli Stevens said...

Wow a contemp! Good for you, Jodi! Thanks for sharing the potty training story. I'm glad to know I'm not alone :)

Oh by the way, the agent that rejected me with someone else's book was E.E. :)

4:46 PM  
Blogger Charli Cole said...

You're not coming off as weird at all, Jodici.

I not only hear my characters. I have conversations with them, dance with them, flirt with them...amongst many other things.

How weird is that?

I believe that just goes to show you have one of the things needed to be a great writer (as an editor recently told me)--an imagination that's blurred with what's actually real.

6:38 PM  
Blogger K.A.S. said...

I like hearing those little voices in my head. If the story isn't talking to me, I worry I will run out of words before the end.
No one said sanity was required ;)

5:15 AM  

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