A life of love, laughter and romance

Friday, June 02, 2006

My potti mouth

Ugh! i have just had the worst potti incident this morning. I sat Mia on the toilet while she drank a cup of juice and sang songs and played games. Then, to keep her on there, I got a portable dvd on to keep her distracted. Well all was going fine and I'm thinking. This is it! She is going to do it. Well, she starts to get upset, and I want to keep her on there, but I thought, maybe her bum is cold. Ok, 5 minutes won't hurt? So i let her up and as I go to get some panties I notice something.... Her legs are wet. I have a closer look. She had peed...off the toilet.

I get upset, and take her back to the toilet all the while she is crying. I called up my hubby and rant in a real big way. Lets just say alot of yelling and kicking things went on. I was so frustrated with it and couldn't believe she did it off the toilet. I start to calm down and go outside to see Mia legs apart and letting another stream go. I yell, "No, NO! Pee in the toilet!" So the crying starts again and I take her to the toilet and sit her down. That's when I notice it. There is pee on the step...which means mia had started peeing JUST as she was getting off. SO Close yet so damned far. I went into another room and swore again (mind you the whole time hubby is on the phone).

He then suggestd putting her in nappies and just taking her to potti that way there will be not accidents. But to me that's a step back. The reason I have her in panties is so that she'll feel uncomfortalbe if she wees and wants to go to the toilet.

So after a HUGE rant and rave, I've now come up with a new plan. I've never punished or gotten upset with mia when she has an 'accident' but now I'm thinking to show it to her and tell her it's not supposed to go there, and take her to the toilet and say 'this is where you pee pee' and sit her on it. Hopefully, she'll get it...


Blogger Silma said...

Well, I don't children. But my dog used to live inside the house, and I didn't train him to pee in papers. Oh no. If he wanted to pee, he'd have to outside. It took me a week of hard training. A lot of screaming "bad doggie" and taking outside and saying "Pixie, chee-chee." After a week, he got the message.

1:09 PM  
Blogger Tempest Knight said...

I'm sure she'll learn eventually. It takes time and patience. How old is the little angel?

1:56 PM  
Blogger Jodie said...

Thanks for your words girls. It helps for a crapola day Ive been having (and I do mean that literally haha) My little one is just over 2 years old. I've been at this for a while but man, who woulda thought it was so hard.

3:57 PM  
Blogger Karen Erickson said...

It's very hard. I just potty trained my daughter and it was a struggle. She'll get it - it's like it magically clicks one day or something.

Just keep on top of it! Stay persistent - make it turn into a habit for her to always be on the potty. It'll happen. Trust me. :)

5:43 AM  
Blogger Shelli Stevens said...

OMG how frustrating! That makes sense though. Kids sometimes fight the potty. And they'll hold it and hold it, until you let them off the potty, or they go in their pants. I'm still struggling every single day. Grrr.

6:02 AM  
Blogger Marianne Arkins said...

I sat my daughter on her little kids potty (the ones you can move around the house), put her in front of a movie and dipped her hand in a pot of warm water. It worked. We had a HUGE celebration! Woo Hoo! Dancing, cookies, balloons (well, maybe not balloons...)

Once she realized what I wanted her to do, she was done. We never looked back. Incidentally, she was 21 months when I trained her.

Good luck!

10:15 PM  
Blogger M. C. Pearson said...

It could always be worse...you could be potty training a boy. Not only will it go down the legs but it could even end up in your eye.

Jumped here from Zinnia's blog. Nice to meetcha!


2:12 AM  
Blogger Bebe said...

I wish I had some advice, but I don't. Good luck!

2:41 PM  
Blogger Emmy Ellis said...

Suggest ditching the panties and trousers, let her go round bottom naked while training. Panties and clothing make them still think they have a nappy on.

Imagine yourself when you go braless. It feels odd without the bra. That's what their bum feels like to them without a nappy. A constant reminder that it isn't there.

Kiddie's potty is better than a toilet to begin with. I did my 5 kids this way. Then when it's time for the big girls toilet, I used one of those kiddie seats so they felt secure on there.

That might be all the problem is, the toilet is too big and daunting.

Or, she might be like my last little one, just would not go. She held it all day for about 7 hours, then it started streaming and she couldn't stop, got her on the potty, she saw it in there when she'd done, I leapt about like some total nutbag, whooping and singing and clapping - and she went on there every time after that.

That first piddle is a pain to catch, but once they see you happy, they'll try to please you again.

Next step, catching the turds in time!

Best of luck!


4:59 AM  

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